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Agricultural Cost-Share Programs

State Programs - Administered through Wright SWCD

The Wright SWCD works with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to provide low interest financing to farmers and rural landowners. Low interest financing aims to encourage agricultural best management practices that prevent or reduce runoff from feedlots, farm fields, and other pollution problems identified by the county in local water plans. This program provides 3% loans up to 10 years for projects that reduce existing water quality problems caused by agricultural activities or failing septic systems, and helps landowners comply with water related laws and rules.


Eligible Activities


  • Feedlot improvements

  • Upgrading manure storage basins

  • Improved manure handling equipment

  • Conservation practices

  • Conservation tillage equipment

  • Upgrading of failing sewage treatment systems

  • Well Relocation and Sealing



For more information



Other types of loan possibilities:
Financial Assistance Programs Brochure (


Local Contact:

Eric Mattson at (763)-614-2922 or

The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water. Those who implement and maintain approved farm management practices will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of 10 years.


Through this program, certified farms receive regular certainty, recognition, and priority for technical and financial assistance. Harlan and Mary Anderson were the first certified farm in Wright County.

Minnesota Water Quality Certified Farm logo

For more information


Minnesota Department of Agriculture


Check out the Story Board to see who is certified in your area!​


Local Contact:

Eric Mattson at (763)-614-2922 or

The Wright SWCD's role is to work with producers and landowners to help identify and assist with solving agricultural resource concerns. We may be able to assist with planning and funding in several different areas.

Below are images of some of the structural projects implemented by Wright SWCD:

Structural Staff
Our staff is available to assist you with technical information, design, cost-share, and implementation of your project. If you are interested in a structural project, please contact:

Charlie Bean with fish

Charlie Bean
Engineering Technician
Wright SWCD
Phone:  763-614-2906

Dan Nadeau walking in prairie

Dan Nadeau
Senior Resource Conservationist
Wright SWCD
Phone:  763-614-2913

Agricultural Management Practices are Best Management Practices that can be integrated into annual management to reduce soil disturbance and erosion to increase soil function and health.

Practices such as no-till, strip-till and planting cover crops are common examples. Cost-share is available per acre for these practices. Other practices include crop rotation, nutrient management, pest management, livestock grazing, field borders, filter strips and planting pollinator habitats.


Agricultural Management Staff

Our staff is available to assist you with technical information, cost-share, and implementation of soil health practices on your land. If you are interested in learning more, please contact:


Eric Mattson with Phragamites

Eric Mattson
Conservation Technician
Wright SWCD
Phone:  763-614-2922

Carolyn in Colorado snow

Carolyn Remer
Conservation Agronomist
Wright SWCD - Centra Sota
Phone:  763-980-2168

Federal Programs - Administered through NRCS

The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) provides financial and technical assistance to help conserve agricultural lands and wetlands and their related benefits. Under the Agricultural Land Easements component, NRCS helps Indian tribes, state and local governments and non-governmental organizations protect working agricultural lands and limit non-agricultural uses of the land. Under the Wetlands Reserve Easements component, NRCS helps to restore, protect and enhance enrolled wetlands.


More information can be found on Minnesota NRCS ACEP page.

Local Contact: Julie Reberg at (763)-682-1933 ext. 3 or

excavator in field

Wetland Restoration

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP):

USDA Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a voluntary program available to agricultural producers to help them safeguard environmentally sensitive land. Landowners receive rental payments and cost-share assistance to establish long-term, resource-conserving covers to improve the quality of water, control soil erosion, and enhance wildlife habitat. Contract duration is between 10 and 15 years. Sign-up is during designated periods.

For information on sign-ups, contact your local FSA office.


Continuous CRP:

Environmentally desirable land devoted to certain conservation practices may be enrolled at any time under CRP continuous sign up. If eligibility requirements are met, offers are automatically accepted for a 10 to 15 year contract. Continuous CRP is not subject to competitive bidding. Practices eligible for this program include riparian buffers, filter strips, grass waterways, and shelter belts.

Conservation practices eligible for CRP & CCRP


  • Field Windbreaks

  • Grassed Waterways

  • Shelterbelts

  • Living Snow Fences

  • Filter Strips

  • Riparian Buffers

  • Wetland Restorations

  • Duck Nesting Habitat

  • Restoration of Rare & Declining Habitats

  • Tall grass Prairie and Oak Savannas

  • Wildlife Food Plots

  • Tree Plantings

  • Establishment of Grasses & Legumes

  • Pollinator Habitat


Bonita Bryant CRP blue, yellow, purple, pink flowers horizontal
Bumblebee on pink coneflower

To be eligible for cost share funding, the conservation practices must meet NRCS specifications.

To see if you are eligible for CRP or CCRP, contact our office. More information can be found on the Minnesota NRCS CRP page

Local Contact: Danielle Stonsteby at (763)-682-1933 ext. 2 or

CSP looks at the conservation you are currently doing on your farm or woodlot, along with new activities that you are willing to do, and offers conservation payments based on these existing and new activities. Eligible lands include cropland, pastureland, and non-industrial forestland.

This program encourages agricultural and forestry producers to address resource concerns by undertaking additional conservation activities while improving/maintaining existing conservation systems.

Eligible enhancement practices


  • Wildlife Corridors

  • Establish Pollinator Habitat

  • Continuous No-Till with High Residue

  • Continuous Cover Crops

  • Evaluate Irrigation Pumping Plant

  • Grazing Management

Image by Laura Ockel

There are over 60 eligible enhancements available through CSP. Please contact our office for a complete list of enhancements and about completing an application. Additional information can be found on the MN NRCS CSP page
Local Contact: Julie Reberg at (763)-682-1933 ext. 3 or

EQIP provides technical assistance, and financial assistance to assist crop, livestock, and other agricultural producers with environmental and conservation improvements to their operations. EQIP is a voluntary conservation program. Incentive payments may be made to encourage a farmer to adopt land management practices. This program offers the opportunity to implement traditional approaches but also to use less traditional, alternative practices to protect our soil, water, and related resources.


Eligible practices


  • Cover Crops

  • Irrigation Water Management

  • Prescribed Grazing

  • Invasive Species Management

  • Waste Storage Facilities

  • Residue Management - No Till

  • Seasonal High Tunnels

  • Well Decommissioning

  • Windbreak Establishment

  • Pollinator Habitat

  • Grassed Waterways

  • Water and Sediment Control Basins


There are over 60 eligible practices that EQIP can provide assistance for. Please contact our office for a complete list of practices and more information, or visit the Minnesota NRCS EQIP page.
Local Contact: Julie Reberg at (763)-682-1933 ext. 3 or

cereal rye cover crop

Cereal rye cover crop

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