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Board of Supervisors

The Wright SWCD’s Board is made up of five elected supervisors who are elected by nomination districts on the general ballot. Supervisors do not participate in the primaries. Supervisor terms are staggered every four years. More details listed below.
Supervisor election information can be found here.


The Board of Supervisors' Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m.
at the USDA Service Center, Conference Room, 
311 Brighton Ave S Suite C, Buffalo, MN.
You can verify meeting times and dates by calling 763-682-1933 ext. 3.

Wright SWCD Supervisor's Districts map
Board of Supervisors Oct. 2024 picture

Back Row (left to right): Bill Daluge – Supervisor, Duane Dahlman – Vice Chair, Mike Zieska – Secretary/Treasurer
Front Row (left to right): Kris Olson - Supervisor, Chris Uecker – Chair

Elected Supervisors

District I

Mike Zieska


Term Expires: 2026

District II

Kris Olson


Term Expires: 2028

District III

Bill Daluge


Term Expires: 2026

District IV

Christopher Uecker


Term Expires: 2028

District V

Duane Dahlman

Vice Chair

Term Expires: 2028

What does it take to be a soil and water conservation District Supervisor?


Supervisors must have - or be willing to learn - some basic knowledge to effectively carry out their responsibilities. They must understand:

  • basic fundamentals about the environment and how it works

  • the relationship between land use decisions and the environment

  • the effect environmental decisions have on other aspects of our lives

  • local concerns, attitudes and needs



Supervisors must be concerned about:

  • our environment and natural resources

  • maintaining and improving water quality

  • protecting our soil



Supervisors must be willing to take an active leadership role in the community. This can involve: 

  • setting local conservation priorities

  • educating friends and neighbors about the environment

  • working with other local government units, state and federal agencies, and other elected officials

  • setting a positive example

  • taking unpopular stands

  • balancing economic needs with environmental concerns

  • sacrificing short-term gains for long-term benefits

Agendas and Minutes




Please note: Wright SWCD agendas and minutes are posted on the website for up to one year, please contact the District for archived agendas and minutes.

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