Urban Cost-Share Programs
What is a Raingarden?
A raingarden takes advantage of rainfall and stormwater runoff in its design and plant selection. Typically the area designated is engineered to withstand the extremes of moisture and concentrations of nutrients, particularly Nitrogen and Phosphorus, which are common in stormwater runoff. Raingardens are positioned near the source of runoff to slow the stormwater as it travels downhill, giving the stormwater more time to infiltrate and less opportunity to gain momentum and erosive power.
Advantages of Planting Raingardens
Increasing the amount of water being filtered into the ground while recharging groundwater
Helping protect from flooding and drainage problems
Helping protect streams and lakes from pollutants carried by stormwater runoff
Aesthetic beauty of yards and neighborhoods
Providing valuable wildlife habitat for birds, butterflies and insects

What is a Rain Barrel?
Rain barrels can capture and store roof runoff from small to medium size rain events. Water stored in rain barrels can be used to water flowers, landscape areas or irrigate lawns in between rain events. Disconnecting your downspout can help reduce direct runoff from small rain events and divert water from storm drains and ultimately our lakes and rivers. The more people that use rain barrels, the greater impact we have on improving our water quality in local lakes and river.
Advantages of Rain Barrels
Provide clean water for outdoor uses
Conserve water and other natural resources
Decrease the chance or magnitude of flooding
Minimize the effects of drought
Decrease contributions to water pollution
Capture rain water for watering your plants
Barrel Design
Size Dimensions: 32” H x 24” W
Capacity: 54 gallons
Weight: 18 lbs when empty
Color: Brown
Composition: made from recycled materials
Key Features: attractive, expandable, durable, debris screen

What is a Shoreland Restoration?
A shoreland restoration is a buffer zone area of native vegetation along the water’s edge. It can extend both onto the land and into the water. There is not a standardized buffer width that will keep the water clean, stabilize the bank, protect fish and wildlife, and satisfy human demands on the land, although any amount of natural shoreland is better than none.
Advantages of Installing Native Shoreland
Add beauty to the landscape and preserve our natural heritage
Decrease the amount of water needed for landscape maintenance
Enjoy abundant nature: flowers, shrubs, trees, aquatic plants, fish, insects, and birds
Filter out pollutants and runoff that degrade water quality
More leisure time to relax and enjoy the nature of life at the lakeshore
Prevent shoreline erosion by absorbing wave action
Produce long root systems to hold soil in place
Provide habitat for a wide variety of wildlife
Require very little long-term maintenance if they are properly planted and established
Traditional Lawns
Lawns are shallow-rooted, provide little wildlife habitat, need frequent maintenance, and are often over-fertilized. These factors can lead to problems on your lake such as:
Shoreline erosion and lake sedimentation.
Algal blooms and excessive aquatic plant growth.
Loss of wildlife habitat, but an increase in nuisance animals.

Shoreland Before

Shoreland After